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Zark City (2008)

2 - 5 persone 30 - 30 min 0+

Editori: (Web published), Looney Labs
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: The ever-changing gameboard for Zark City is made up of playing cards and is created during the game by the players. Icehouse pyramids are used to indicate who's in control of which cards. The goal is to completely control a connected trio of three cards which are either Three-of-a-Kind or which form a Suited Trio (a three-card Straight Flush).

Zark City is a redevelopment of Zarcana. The rules are available on Also included in Pyramid Arcade.

Game System

Icehouse Pieces
Standard deck of Cards

Minimum 4 characters
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