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Trump The World (2020)

3 - 8 persone 15 - 60 min 16+

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Descrizione: Trump The World: Make Parties Great Again!

The goal is simple: You need to beat Trump at his own game by pointing out what is true and what is not.

How to play

One after another, each player picks the card on top of the deck and reads it out loud (to make things even more interesting, try reading the card with Trump’s voice!).
If it is a QUOTE CARD, everyone else has to guess if Trump actually said that quote, or if it is fake news, using their answer card to do so! Every player who has a good answer gets a point.

If it is a TRUMP CARD, everyone has to do what the card asks. If there is a decision to make, the player who has picked the card will act as the judge. Only the player who wins gets a point.
Winning the game: The first player to successfully beat Trump at his own game and to get 10 points wins!

Other ways to play the game:

Drinking game! (18+) : If you want to spice things up, pour yourself a drink and every time you get a wrong answer, drink it!
In teams! : If you are more of a team player, you can form teams of 2 players or more and try to convince one of your friends to act as the game master, who will read every card, and make every decision!

—description from the designer

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