Reign of the Judges (2014)
3 - 7 persone
45 - 45 min
Descrizione: Exciting card game set in high point of Nephite civilization.
Reign of the judges is a card game where you join one of three teams that is fighting to control the judgment seat. One player is the Chief Judge, and everyone else secretly becomes a Nephite, Lamanite, or Gadianton Robber. Nephites are basically the good guys defending their homes; Lamanites are the invading horde intent on complete domination; and Gadianton Robbers want to take over the government secretly from within.
On your turn, you attack players that you believe are on the other teams. When you defeat another player you take one of their votes; your clout in society grows as the defeated player's influence wanes. You win if your team wins the most votes by the end of the game to control the government and become the next Chief Judge.
Reign of the judges is a card game where you join one of three teams that is fighting to control the judgment seat. One player is the Chief Judge, and everyone else secretly becomes a Nephite, Lamanite, or Gadianton Robber. Nephites are basically the good guys defending their homes; Lamanites are the invading horde intent on complete domination; and Gadianton Robbers want to take over the government secretly from within.
On your turn, you attack players that you believe are on the other teams. When you defeat another player you take one of their votes; your clout in society grows as the defeated player's influence wanes. You win if your team wins the most votes by the end of the game to control the government and become the next Chief Judge.