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Monkey Business (2016)

4 - 12 persone 15 - 15 min 8+
Nomi alternativi: Keskifé?, Małpiszony, Monkey Business, Monkidú, Occhio alla Scimmia!, Tabarouette, t'es faite!, Кескифе, Кескіфе, 눈치코치
Artisti: Faya Khamidulina, Tony Rochon
Editori: AURUM, Inc., Blackrock Games, GaGa Games, Kikigagne?, Lord of Boards, Mancalamaro, Mercurio, Rebel Sp. z o.o.
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Descrizione: Monkey Business - A mime game with a twist!

A fun, laugh filled party game for the whole family.

You are the Scammer!

In a round of Monkey Business, each player draws a card which describes an action, like 'go grocery shopping' or 'you just won the lottery'. Each player has the same action except for one player, whose card says 'you are the scammer' (or variations of that theme).

On the count of three, each player mimes the action. The Scammer, with swift observation, tries to match what all the other players are doing. After ten seconds, everyone stops.

Then on the count of three, everyone simultaneously, including the Scammer, points a finger at who they think is the Scammer. Points are won for correct answers, The Scammer wins points based on the number of wrong answers.

After 6 rounds, high points wins. A silly and really funny game of wild activity!

For 4 to 12 players with 2 Scammers at higher player counts!

--description from the original French publisher
In Keskifé?, all players but one — either individually or in teams — carry out an action that all players but one know about. Can the buffoon, the sole player unaware of what's going on, imitate the others successfully without disclosing their identity?

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