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DOODLES: Il gioco degli scarabocchi (2019)

3 - 7 persone 30 - 60 min 10+

Questo prodotto è disponibile presso i seguenti venditori:
Descrizione: Can you draw an ALIEN? Of course you can! But what if some player is drawing a MARTIAN and others an EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL? Can you understand which SUBJECTS scribbled the other players in 30 SECONDS?
Are you a landslide to draw and you only manage scribbles? It doesn't matter, in 30 seconds you can only scribble to make other players understand which of the three words, very similar to each other, happened to you to draw. In Doodles what matters is not how you draw but what you draw! Guess and be guessed with pencil strokes!

Minimum 4 characters
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