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Decktective: Bloody-Red Roses (2019)

1 - 6 persone 60 - 60 min 12+
Nomi alternativi: Decktective: Bloody-Red Roses, Decktective: Blutrote Rosen, Decktective: Le sang de la rose, Decktective: Rosas de Sangre, Decktective: Rose rosso sangue, Detektivka: Krvavě rudé růže, Kryminalne zagadki: Krwawe róże, Pocket Detective: Bloedrode Rozen, Детективные хроники: Букет в багровых тонах

Editori: DV Games, 999 Games, ABACUSSPIELE, Albi, FoxGames, Hobby World, Mercurio, Super Meeple
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: The noise of a carriage breaks the silence surrounding the Tudor mansion. The duke Edward York, just arrived, makes a gruesome discovery: count Ferdinand Tudor lies lifeless next to a bush of bloody roses. What has happened? Is it a tragic accident or a brutal crime? Collect the clues: a broken pocket watch, an astrology manual, the winning ticket of a horse race. Can you put the evidences together to solve the mystery?

Decktective: Bloody-red roses is a co-operative investigation game, featuring a 3D crime scene. Players must solve a mysterious case. They play their cards to share information, discard cards that they think will lead them the wrong way, discuss the clues they find with the other players, make hypotheses and deductions to find the solution! At the end of the game, players must answer several questions: Each correct answer is worth points. The more points they get, the better their outcome.

On their turn, players either play a card from their hand and put it face up on the table, sharing the information on it or they discard a card from their hand face down to the archive and are not allowed to talk about the information on it, until the end of the investigation. Each card has a value from 1 to 10 in the upper left corner. A card can only be played face up on the table if its value is equal to or less than the current number of cards in the archive.

—description from the publisher

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