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Le Jeu de Polynésie

2 - 6 persone 0 - 0 min 10+
Nomi alternativi: Le Jeu de Polynésie, Le Jeu du President

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Descrizione: From the introduction:

This game consists in buying properties: islands - islets - realestate, factories, piers and then developing them by building on them. (Note: You must take care to follow the order in which you are authorized to erect buildings). Each investment is provided added value thanks to a rent which becomes higher and higher, as this enables the player to set up a cash flow for himself. But if it is true that all of the players collect rent for their respective properties, they must also pay money out when they pass over the properties of other players.

Moreover, the game has a number of small surprises that the player must evaluate in advance to avoid finding himself at loss. Of course, "Le Jeu de Polynésie" Game, is only a game and the names of the property, islands, assets indicated as well as the card rules have no basis whatsoever in reality. This game is a pure fiction that seeks only to entertain your children and the big kids that we have remained too!

User description:

Players take the part of land owners in French Polynesia, attempting to buy and then develop their islands. Income is gained by other players visiting their properties and money is spent when they visit properties belonging to other players. When times get tough, players may have to mortgage their properties to raise cash for fines, taxes and other misfortunes. The goal of the game is to be the last player remaining with any money or, in a timed game, to be the player with the largest amount of assets.

On his turn, a player rolls two dice and moves that number of spaces around the board. If the player lands on an as-yet-unowned property, he has the opportunity to buy it and add it to his portfolio. If a player owns all the spaces within a colour group, he may then build hotels, farms or a fishing fleet on these spaces, generating even more income from opponents who land there. If he lands on a property owned by another player, he must pay that player rent according to the value of the land and any buildings on it. There are other places on the board which cannot be bought, but instead require the player to draw a card and perform the action on the card, pay taxes, collect income, or even go to jail. The game allows a player to purchase insurance or hire an attorney, to have some protection against some forms of misfortune.

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