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Iron Guards: Battle of Shanghai (2015)

1 - 2 persone 120 - 480 min 12+
Nomi alternativi: Iron Guards: Battle of Shanghai, 鐵衛禁軍:抗戰之淞滬會戰

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Descrizione: 鐵衛禁軍:抗戰之淞滬會戰 ("Iron Guards: Battle of Shanghai") is a two-player board wargame that simulates the battle of Shanghai and defense of Nanking, Aug. 13 to Dec. 13, 1937.

Each turn represents 1 week and each hex is about 10-12 km across. One player commands the Imperial Japanese Army (大日本帝國陸軍) and the other player commands the (Chinese) National Revolutionary Army (國民革命軍).

In Iron Guards, each player uses operation points to activate Army HQ to lead combat units to move, barrage, combat. In each turn, each player draws tactic markers respectively and roll for initiative. The units include infantry, artillery, cavalry, and tank, etc. The NRA side needs to defense Shanghai and Nanking in different scenarios to win the game.

The components includes one 22*34 inches map and 240 5/9 inch die-cut counters.

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