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What's The Question? (2014)

3 - 12 persone 40 - 40 min 12+

Editori: (Self-Published), Seidule Games
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: What's The Question? is a party game involving discussion and debate. Two players represent two sides. The rest of the player are voters. All players write down a subject of a topic. In this example, we'll say "Fictional Characters". After everyone has written something on a piece of paper (Or in our prototype version, our curved white boards) and placed it in the middle of the table, they are shuffled and the two players choose one. That choice will be the sides they are representing. In this example, we will say "Superman" and "Darth Vader". On the other side of the card is the question. In this example, the question may be "Who would win in a fight?" Now is the time that it is revealed and the two players begin the debate. Players may do anything in their power to get the other players to vote for their side. Points are earned by winning a debate and voting for a winner.

What's The Question? is a great game for any crowd. Because the players create the content, the game can be used in a family atmosphere, or amongst your friends over a long night of drinks. This game takes the idea of sitting around with your friends while you debate about things that don't matter, then adding a random element to it fueled by the players.

Planned expansions include adult themed pack, intelligence pack, and much more!

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