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Bird Whiz

2 - 6 persone 30 - 30 min 8+

Editori: Jojo Games, Sasol
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: Bird Whiz is a card-run-making game, published in South Africa in the 1990s (likely 1993 or 1997). It uses colours or you can match them up by type of bird. Once you get a run you put it down, but to keep it in play, you have to answer a question related to the birds in the run. You could skip this part for younger players. With the questions, it makes it an educational game. It is easy to teach and learn. There are also joker cards counting as any card. You score points for the amount of runs you have down. You also score negative points for the cards in your hand once the game ends. The worst card to end up with in your hand is a joker, losing you 50 points. The winner is the one with the most points.

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