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Highlander: The Card Game (1996)

2 - 2 persone 20 - 20 min 12+
Nomi alternativi: Highlander: The Card Game, Highlander: The Card Game (2nd Edition)

Editori: La Montagnard Inc., SAEC Games, Thunder Castle Games
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: From the dawn of time we came, moving silently down through the centuries. Living many secret lives, struggling to reach the time of the Gathering, when few who remain will battle to the last. In the end there can be only one.

Welcome to the incredible world of the immortals, the world of Highlander! Based on the immensely popular motion pictures and television series, of the same name, Highlander: The Card Game 2nd edition is a collectible trading card game of swashbuckling swordplay and dark intrigue.

The first Highlander movie was released in 1986, and became a cult classic. The movie starred Christopher Lambert as the hero, Connor MacLeod; Sean Connery played his friend and mentor Ramirez; and Clancy Brown assumed the role of The Kurgan, Connor's most deadly enemy. Three sequels were produced, and a television series starring Adrian Paul as Connor's dashing cousin, Duncan MacLeod.

In Highlander: The Card Game 2nd edition, players assume the roles of Immortals like Connor, Ramirez, The Kurgan, and Duncan. These Immortals are mysterious wanderers who can only die if their heads are severed from their bodies. Immortals spend eternity honing their sword-fighting skills, trying to reach the time of The Gathering, when they will battle to the last. To the victor goes The Prize, an enigmatic goal of legendary proportions that no one really understands. It is simply known among them that he who wields its power will command the destiny of the entire world. Quite a prize indeed.

To attain this goal some Immortals will stop at nothing, while others follow a stricter code of honor and decency in their quest. In the end, for better or worse...

There can be only one.

Highlander: The Card Game is designed to simulate a duel between two Immortals: yourself and your opponent. During the course of play, both players will play attacks and defenses as if they were fighting with swords. Other cards will represent the tricks, tactics, schemes, and plots you utilize to win.

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