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Race For Tunis (1992)

2 - 2 persone 120 - 120 min 12+
Nomi alternativi: The Battle of Tunisia, Race For Tunis
Artisti: LaMont Fullerton, Kirk Wescom
Editori: Game Designers' Workshop (GDW Games), Kokusai-Tsushin Co., Ltd. (u56fdu969bu901au4fe1u793e)
Al momento questo prodotto non è disponibile presso nessun venditore.
Descrizione: In November of 1942, the Anglo-Allied 1st Army had landed in French Northwest Africa, deep behind the front lines of the struggle then raging between the AFRIKA KORPS and the British 8th Army. The two combatants clashed in northern Tunisia in a race to take Tunis, the main supply port.
These were unusual battles, fought by handfuls of troops. The AXIS won the race — but only barely — and the Allies let an opportunity to capture all of North Africa slip in a single blow.

(11 pages of rules + a history of the battle).

Can be linked with GDW's Bloody Kasserine.

A standard scenario starts November 17 and ends December 24 in 1942.

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