MixClay (2021)
2 - 6 persone
40 - 40 min
Editori: (Self-Published), (Unknown)
Descrizione: Sculpting Party Game of mixing the shapes defined by keywords to create your unique piece in clay and guessing other players mixes.
Imagine wild mixes: Bread+Cat , Pretzel+Eiffel Tower
and etc..
Players secretly chooses two keywords from different cards in their hand, and try to the best of their abilities and creativity to create one single sculpture in clay that mixes the shapes of chosen keywords. Players use their hands and sculpting tool to sculpt the piece.
Then, players try to guess other players keywords by looking at other players sculptures.
You gain points by creatively mixing the shapes, people correct guessing your keywords and by guessing other players keywords. Keywords have different levels of difficulty.
—description from the designer
Imagine wild mixes: Bread+Cat , Pretzel+Eiffel Tower
and etc..
Players secretly chooses two keywords from different cards in their hand, and try to the best of their abilities and creativity to create one single sculpture in clay that mixes the shapes of chosen keywords. Players use their hands and sculpting tool to sculpt the piece.
Then, players try to guess other players keywords by looking at other players sculptures.
You gain points by creatively mixing the shapes, people correct guessing your keywords and by guessing other players keywords. Keywords have different levels of difficulty.
—description from the designer