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heXentafl (2020)

2 - 2 persone 15 - 30 min 8+
Artisti: Kevin Kane, Nu00e9stor Romeral Andru00e9s
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Descrizione: heXentafl is an asymmetric abstract strategy game that is sort of the hexagonal version of Hnefatafl. One side (white) plays the attackers, and one side (black) plays the defenders.

heXentafl can be played on a 4x4 or 5x5 hex grid.

The King sits on the central space, the throne, surrounded by three defenders. Six attackers sit on the outer corners of the grid.

The attackers must capture the King in order to win. The defenders must escort the King to any of the six corners of the board in order to win. The defenders usually move first, but either works.

It is recommended that players play in sets of two games, alternating who is the attacker and who is the defender.

All pieces except the King move in a straight line, as many spaces as they like to an unoccupied space (like a rook in Chess). Only one piece at a time can occupy a space. A piece cannot jump over another piece.

The King can move into any vacant adjacent space, moving one space at a time (similar to the king in Chess).
Pieces are captured by surrounding them on two sides. In the image shown, white moves into position to surround the King and capture it, winning the game.

The corners present an interesting challenge, as they can't be surrounded in the normal manner. Pieces can be captured on a corner by surrounding them in the manner shown.

You cannot "capture" your own piece by moving between two enemy pieces.

The Throne

The central space of the board is the throne. Only the King may occupy the throne. When the King is on the throne, he is harder to capture.

—description from the publisher

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