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Футуриум (2017)

3 - 7 persone 30 - 40 min 12+

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Descrizione: Conversation party in a futuristic setting. The Futurium board game was released by Muravey Games in 2017.

Game participants are invited to become creators of the future, science fiction writers, and cyber prophets.

Imagine the world in 20-30 years, when it will change beyond recognition. Futurium is a conversation game that allows you to immerse yourself in this world! By playing, players can create a future that even great science fiction writers never dreamed of!

Each time they open the box, players become creators of a future reality. The game offers many versions of the future and a huge number of unexpected developments. For example, humanity in your game can move to live underwater or, conversely, fly away to colonize Mars in its entirety, or simply surrender all control in the world to intelligent robots, while ceasing to work at all. Each game takes place in a different future - each time in a new way!

The game is suitable for both novice players and experienced ones. Whether it's fun, serious, or completely insane - you choose what your future will be like!

It's easy to play:
1. Open cards with names of objects
2. Invent and tell what one of the objects will become in the future
3. Those interested can tell alternative versions
4. Vote for the most interesting version
This continues for several "circles".
At the end of the game, the one who gets the most votes will be the winner.

Minimum 4 characters
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