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The Capitals Game (2020)

1 - 6 persone 5 - 30 min 6+

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Descrizione: The Capitals Game contains 193 Flash cards representing the recognized countries of the world (by the UN). Each card shows the flag on the back along with country details on the front.

What can you do on those long trips in the car? How can you help your kids learn more about the world?
The Capital Game allows a family to interact and learn more about the world around them.

There are unlimited ways you can play this game but the most popular are:
Who’s Flag is this?
What is the Capital of?
Guess the Country?
Biggest Wins
Countries (or capitals) by the Alphabet

The deck also comes with blank cards allowing you to hide the front (or back of the
cards) to keep other players guessing.
Each card has the flag on one side and some information about the country on the other:
Capital City
Approx Population (2020)
Main Languages
Land Mass Size
Location on the globe

It also shows membership of:

Minimum 4 characters
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